Wednesday, August 10, 2011

No more princess movies!

So here is the story...

My family and I were on our way to Italy and had a stopover in Bacerlona, Spain. The airport in Bacerlona is nice...even had a little slide and play area for kids. Naturally, we gravitated towards the area.

So here we were, sitting, watching the kids play, slide, run around...have a good time....and then a lovely spanish little girl comes over to play. So my son comes over after a while and starts to complain (about sharing the slide...boys... :-) and he goes...
"Mummy, the princess is on my slide''

At first, I disregarded it...and then he says it again...this time pointing at her...''Mummy, princess is on my slide''

I looked at him and did not want to believe it for a second and asked ''Mitchy, you mean Gabbie the princess?'' (Gabbie is his sister)

Then he says...very loud...''NO! Gabbie is not a princess, the princess is THAT one''

Oh bly me! My hubby and I were stunned and laughed at first and then, we were like...ok...this is very serious...

Apparently, all the barbie princess movies and the fairy movies they watch show caucasian girls...the only one which has a black princess is The princess and the frog...and all that voodoo stuff in the movie scares them silly!!!

So I decided, no more princess movies in the house! I have to search for more african/black movies which show black royalty. I have nothing against barbie princess movies...infact I love them..but then my daughter thinks long flowing hair is the definition of beauty and getting married is the ultimate goal of a woman....while my son thinks only caucasian girls can be princesses! Mon Dieu!

Does anyone have any suggestions for TV time? Let me know!